RIA Data Center

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# of employees


High-net-worth client assets

    Total AUM


    Total accounts


    Discretionary AUM


    Avg. discretionary account AUM


    Non-discretionary AUM


    Non-discretionary accounts


    Average non-discretionary account AUM


    Avg. account AUM

    Rank Business Name Avg. account AUM Discretionary AUM Non-discretionary AUM Total AUM
    1A. N. CULBERTSON & COMPANY, INC.$794,481$624,270,000$11,315,000$635,585,000
    2AGILI, P.C.$549,195$1,065,388,598$1,148,790$1,066,537,388
    3ALPHA OMEGA WEALTH MANAGEMENT, LLC$800,498$899,726,370$95,292,412$995,018,782
    5AZZAD ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC.$951,533$1,269,942,074$7,966,705$1,277,908,779
    6BERNHARDT WEALTH MANAGEMENT, INC.$641,725$666,598,443$795,037$667,393,480
    7BOGART WEALTH, LLC$372,651$1,364,074,431$561,038,565$1,925,112,996
    8BROWN | MILLER WEALTH MANAGEMENT, LLC$316,975$575,711,694$36,049,819$611,761,513
    9CJM WEALTH ADVISERS, LTD.$485,051$1,069,164,263$61,003,551$1,130,167,814
    10COMPTON WEALTH ADVISORY GROUP, LLC$1,367,020$449,613,738$128,635,668$578,249,406
    11D'ORAZIO & ASSOCIATES, INC.$694,206$1,193,497,098$1,924,988$1,195,422,086
    12DARRELL & KING, LLC$3,760,991$868,789,030$868,789,030
    13DYSON CAPITAL ADVISORS, LLC$49,230,473$688,717,622$2,806,645,976$3,495,363,598
    14EVERMAY WEALTH MANAGEMENT, LLC$760,443$822,332,575$34,686,974$857,019,549
    15FJY FINANCIAL$386,682$711,695,915$45,427,399$757,123,314
    16GLASSMAN WEALTH SERVICES, LLC$873,963$1,942,819,910$1,942,819,910
    17GODSEY & GIBB WEALTH MANAGEMENT$767,833$1,195,101,909$9,628,471$1,204,730,380
    18GRAVES LIGHT LENHART$932,567$997,298,149$35,986,164$1,033,284,313
    19HARBOUR CAPITAL ADVISORS, LLC$2,064,805$578,145,484$578,145,484
    20HEMINGTON WEALTH MANAGEMENT$657,479$934,277,138$934,277,138
    21HERITAGE WEALTH ADVISORS$2,563,914$3,257,547,477$67,848,662$3,325,396,139
    22HOPWOOD FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.$552,770$531,765,109$531,765,109
    23MAROTTA WEALTH MANAGEMENT, INC.$330,193$550,852,298$18,731,278$569,583,576
    24PALLADIUM REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISORS$1,307,009$3,279,070,756$91,706,040$3,370,776,796
    25PARTNERS IN FINANCIAL PLANNING, LLC$387,414$678,362,660$678,362,660
    26SBK FINANCIAL, INC.$809,977$956,333,988$67,476,336$1,023,810,324
    27STEIGERWALD, GORDON & KOCH - WEALTH ADVISORS$535,159$969,172,113$969,172,113
    28THE BURNEY COMPANY$630,921$2,625,894,633$2,625,894,633
    29THE HOERNER PLANNING GROUP, LLC$1,052,091$832,819,744$361,303,735$1,194,123,479
    30VERUS FINANCIAL PARTNERS$437,688$983,047,963$983,047,963
    31WILBANKS, SMITH & THOMAS ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC$1,034,639$4,905,986,185$64,420,978$4,970,407,163
    32YESKE BUIE INC.$675,425$841,241,957$11,144,498$852,386,455

    Showing 1 to 32 of 32 entries

    Page 1

    Purchase the data and information contained in the RIA Data Center in an Excel spreadsheet.

    For more information about the RIA Data Center, please contact InvestmentNews Research.

    Reprints: For reprints of these rankings, please contact Caroline Murphy.

    *Methodology: InvestmentNews qualified 2,756 firms headquartered in the United States based on data reported on Form ADV to the Securities and Exchange Commission. To qualify, firms must have met the following criteria: (1) latest ADV filing date is either on or after January 1, 2020, (2) total AUM is at least $100M, (3) does not have employees who are registered representatives of a broker-dealer, (4) managed assets for individual clients during its most recently completed fiscal year, (5) no more than 50% of amount of regulatory assets under management is attributable to pooled investment vehicles (other than investment companies), (6) no more than 25% of amount of regulatory assets under management is attributable to pension and profit-sharing plans (but not the plan participants), (7) no more than 25% of amount of regulatory assets under management is attributable to corporations or other businesses, (8) does not receive commissions, (9) provides financial planning services, (10) is not actively engaged in business as a broker-dealer (registered or unregistered), (11) is not actively engaged in business as a registered representative of a broker-dealer, (12) has neither a related person who is a broker-dealer/municipal securities dealer/government securities broker or dealer (registered or unregistered) not one who is an insurance company or agency.

    Database last updated on July 2021.